Cultivating courage and compassion for ourselves and others – a webinar for newly registered nurses and midwives
The Florence Nightingale Foundation is pleased to invite all newly registered nurses and midwives across England to join us for a 90-minute webinar exploring the experience and skills of maintaining courage and compassion.
During the pandemic, access to consistent and effective preceptorship was disrupted. Many registered nurses and midwives have expressed concerns about the impact on the wellbeing and enthusiasm of the early career workforce.
The webinar will be delivered in partnership with The Bravest Path which helps individuals and organisations develop their authenticity, bravery, and courage. The webinar will support our early career workforce to reframe the vulnerability they have experienced during the transition to registered practitioner. It will help our nurses and midwives to live their values, to create and foster trusting relationships, and to learn to rise from experiences of adversity.
The experience of registering into a clinical environment has been impacted by the demands of the pandemic, and our hope is that this opportunity will be part of the healing process. It will enable all newly registered nurses and midwives to reflect, reframe and rise strong through an introduction to new skills and concepts. The learning will continue with online resources and materials which they can share with their colleagues, managers and preceptors to embed and support their ongoing development.
If you are an early career nurse or midwife who has registered during the pandemic in the last twelve months, we invite you to book a place on a choice of four webinars (you only need to book one as the same content will be covered on each):
- Wednesday 16th March 2022, 11:00-12:30 – click here to book
- Monday 28th March 2022, 12:00-13:30 – click here to book
- Wednesday 20th April 2022, 10:00-11:30 – click here to book
- Wednesday 27th April 2022, 18:30-20:00 We warmly extend the invitation to this webinar to Nursing Associates, Internationally Educated Nurses and Internationally Educated Midwives – click here to book
As newly registered nurses and midwives, our ability to manage uncertainty and stress on a personal level is a key skill.
The ability to be kind to ourselves, to ask for help and set clear boundaries are critically important particularly following the impact of the pandemic. Conversations about our emotional responses are crucial in helping us to navigate change constructively and collectively.
This interactive webinar, based on the research of Dr Brené Brown, provides tools and strategies to take action that can make a difference to our mental health and resilience, cultivating increased confidence and courage.
Key Takeaways:
Through attending this webinar, you will:
- Challenge preconceptions and dispel the myths surrounding the concepts of risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure.
- Cultivate courage and confidence building increased trust and psychological safety.
- Help clarify what you need to manage through this time of transition, and to ask for help.
- Understand the emotional responses to vulnerability and uncertainty and how to manage these constructively and empathetically.
- Feel empowered to have conversations around transitions to strengthen relationships and to help reduce anxiety.
- Learn practical tools and strategies to build and strengthen emotional resilience.
Join in the conversation on social media by using the hashtags #FNFEarlyCareers and #TeamFlorence.