Chair of our Foundation, Dame Yvonne Moores attended High-Level Event: Manifesto to Secure a Healthy Planet for All in London on the 31st July 2019. Further information can be found on Interaction Council’s website on the link here.

“I was delighted to attend the Manifesto to save our sick and dying planet. I congratulate the InterAction Council on the work it has led to developing this important work. I believe every critically ill patient deserves excellent nursing care to recover.

Next year, 2020, is the bicentenary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, the World Health Organisation has designated it the Year of the Nurse and Midwife. The Nursing Now movement is gathering momentum across the world, working with thousands of nurses to develop their leadership and influencing roles and increase their public health work to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities they serve. Nurses are change agents.

In October I am organising an international conference in London called Nightingale2020. It will bring together more than 4,000 nurses and midwives to reinforce their professional impact and ensure the voice of nursing is heard. Professor Jo Nurse will join our rollcall of international speakers.

I will also facilitate a high-level dinner in the House of Lords for nurse leaders and global influences to take emergency action to save this wonderful planet.”

Dame Yvonne Moores

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