Chair of the Florence Nightingale Foundation, Dame Yvonne Moores, and Chief Executive Officer, Greta Westwood, met with, where Covid-19 restrictions allowed, Officers of the Foundation whose terms in office had come to a close. Peter Siddall, Mary Spinks, Bryan Wilson, Edward Libbey, Colin Reeves and Geoffrey Walker each received a silver commemorative dish to thank them for their important contribution to the education of nursing and midwifery scholars.

Matron Geoffrey Walker, who has accumulated 22 years’ voluntary service as a board member, vice-chair and honorary vice-president for the foundation, stated: “I am extremely proud to have been associated with the work of the foundation over the years and look forward to continuing to support the goals of Florence Nightingale andthe Foundation in the future.”

Upon visiting Geoffrey at Poole Hospital, Dame Yvonne, a former chair and non-executive board member of Poole Hospital, was also shown around the nurse-led treatment and investigation unit and the oncology assessment unit, hearing from staff about their challenges working during the pandemic.

The Florence Nightingale Foundation wants to extend it’s gratitude to Peter, Mary, Bryan, Edward, Colin and Geoffrey and thank them for their wonderful years of service.

Above: Mary Spinks and Peter Siddall receiving their commemorative dishes.

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