Bryan Wilson at Westminster Abbey (May 2018) with Andrew Andrews, FNF Deputy Chair

It is with much regret the FNF reports the sad loss this month of a dear colleague Bryan Wilson, FFNF, FRCN.

Bryan’s nursing career was outstanding and he eventually rose to the role of Chief Nursing Officer for an NHS Area Health Authority Board in the North of England. He was also a FNF Travel Scholar.

Following retirement, Bryan joined the FNF as a representative of the British Red Cross. He was made a Fellow of the Foundation and served on the Board at that time. He always helped out at Students Day and at the Florence Nightingale Commemoration Service in Westminster Abbey.

Anything Bryan was asked to do he did professionally and to the best of his ability.

Bryan willingly mentored scholars and was always encouraging and caring.

Bryan was made a FNF Vice President and attended and contributed to discussions at all meetings with huge interest and pride for nursing. Although his tenure as a Vice President had ended, the Foundation will miss him enormously, an organisation he served for so many years with such dedication.

He is survived by his wife Bridget and his son.

Written by Mary Spinks (FNF Chief Executive 1996 -2010)

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