Small Grants for International Nursing Associations in England

NHS England and NHS Improvement & Florence Nightingale Foundation Partnership

The Florence Nightingale Foundation in partnership with the International Recruitment Nursing Team at NHS England and NHS Improvement are pleased to announce the opening of applications for small grants for International Nursing Associations in England.

Grant awards can range from £5,000 up to £12,500 per Association and are available to nurses and midwives who lead International Nursing Associations in England. This is with a view of enhancing their pastoral care offer to members of their Association.

The Small Grants Programme aims to support projects that will advance the pastoral support, health and wellbeing and professional support of overseas trained nurses in England.

This grant scheme is sponsored by Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer England. The improvement project must be aligned to both the CNO’s priorities and the NHS People Plan as it applies to nursing and midwifery.

  • Essential Criteria
    Criteria Identified On
    Main applicant for the project must hold a current registration with Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Application Form
    Secondary contact (also an NMC registrant) who must be contactable if the main contact is unavailable. Application Form
    The outcomes of the proposed project must be designed to benefit and enhance the pastoral care offer for their international nursing communities. Application Form
    The project must be delivered within a maximum period of 6 months with provision of mid and final progress reports. Application Form
    The application must provide a proposal that sets out achievable objectives, methods, outcomes and timescales. Application Form
    A supporting reference for the application. Application Form
    The application must provide a proposal that sets out achievable objectives, methods, outcomes and timescales. Application Form
    A supporting reference for the application. Application Form
    The applicant must be in a position to receive funds to a UK bank account in the name of or on behalf of the Association. Application Form
  • Success Criteria
    Criteria Identified On
    A proposal that is appropriate, innovative, value for money and sustainable and suitable for their members. Presentation at Interview
    The Association is able to demonstrate that they can deliver and have the necessary skills and resources available. Presentation at Interview
    The applicant/s can articulate their knowledge of the challenges facing their members. Interview
    The outcomes can be linked to the association’s values/vision. Interview
    The application includes a stakeholder engagement plan. Application Form
    The project has a valid dissemination strategy for the project outcomes. Interview
    The project includes a sustainability and spread strategy. Application Form

Online Application Form

Key Dates

Applications will open: 22nd March

Application Close: 30th April

Shortlisting will take place: Week of 3rd May

Interviews will take place: Week of 17th May

Successful applicants will begin their project by 1st June

Information for Applying Online

Upon application, you are required to upload the following information:

  • Personal, employment and education information
  • A copy of your NMC registration documentation
  • Valid UK Bank account in the name of the association
  • Signed terms and conditions
  • Signed supporting reference from a person able to verify your suitability to receive the funds and the benefits of the project to forwarding the aims of the association – download form here


Please note the following:

  • Incomplete applications will not be accepted
  • Only one application per Association can be accepted