Scholorship type: Travel

Travel Scholarship: Vanessa Gordon

Sexual safety in Unsafe Places? In more recent years it has come to the fore that people with mental health issues residing within mental...

Travel Scholarship: Louise Hughes

The facilitator role and the Schwartz Centre Round. Acknowledgements I would like to thank the Florence Nightingale Foundation for the opportunity to undertake this...

Travel Scholarship: Georgina Morley

The Efficacy of the Nurse Ethicist in reducing Moral Distress: What can the National Health Service learn from the United States? Having first been introduced to nursing...

Travel Scholarship: Fiona Murphy

Bereavement and Donation Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust; Bolton NHS Trust; Wrightington Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust, collectively known as the Bereavement and...

Travel Scholarship: Karen Abinett

Empowering Individuals through Shared Decision Making: A journey into the world of evidence based practice and Shared Decision – Making at the ISDMISEHC2015 conference,...

Travel Scholarship: Dr Mayvis Oddoye

The impact of perceived cultural behaviour and attitudes on safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children by Afro-Caribbean nurses and other professionals. Abstract  ...