Scholorship type: Research

Research scholarship: Fiona McGregor

Improving the sexual health of homeless young people resident in hostels This report traces the journey taken by the author during the second year...

Research scholarship: Alexandra Jones

 I’ll quit smoking when I’m ill – Is a respiratory illness a significant influencing factor in smoking cessation? Objective: This research project completes my...

Research scholarship: Ruth Mantle

Getting To Know Me – exploring the impact of using a personal profile tool on the attitudes of nurses providing care for people with...

Research scholarship: Francesca Josephs

An investigation into the relationship between obesity and pain in the adolescent rheumatology population: An MSc Nursing Project Background: An extensive literature review concluded...

Research scholarship: Peter McNee

Fathers’ experiences when their child has been diagnosed with congenital heart disease; a narrative approach This report relates to the third year of a...

Research scholarship: Sandra Mononga

Research: Falls Prevention In Nursing Homes: Still A Challenge? The aim of this research was to evaluate current falls prevention measures in care homes...