We are delighted to announce we have launched an NHS leadership support service, Nightingale Frontline. Please visit the page on the link here.

Our CEO, Greta Westwood said:

“Florence Nightingale faced her leadership crisis when she arrived in Crimea with her 38 nurses in 1854. Her leadership was challenged daily and this continued for nearly 2 years but she prevailed.  The Foundation is her legacy. We develop nurse and midwife leaders. It is therefore so important to me that the Foundation continues to support our nursing and midwifery leaders during this coronavirus pandemic.

Nurses and midwives will be challenged every day managing this crisis.  Interventions to help maintain a balanced and positive mental health will be paramount. We want to make sure nurses and midwives are able to continue to lead and support their patients, staff and the NHS. I am therefore delighted to announce that the Florence Nightingale Foundation has support from the NHS Charities Together to provide the Nightingale Frontline NHS Leadership Support Service”

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