The Florence Nightingale Foundation Leadership Programme has changed my career; for the better. I have achieved things I never thought I could achieve. I am currently a band 6 in a community team and have always wanted to go higher and make a difference. I never thought I had it in me to do it so I just sat and got on with my day to day job. I applied for the programme with the hope I can increase my confidence. I admit I was not sure if this would help. I was wrong. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I learnt so much more about myself that I didn’t even realise. We completed the Myers- Briggs questionnaire and this told me about me! I was shocked at the results but it made so much sense. I was able to then reflect on my presence as a professional and how I can make an effect on other people. Being able to reflect has made me a more effective professional. It helped me to help other people and their different personalities and how they work. Help others to reach their full potential. We talked about leadership skills during the residential days. It was easy to understand and easy to follow. It seemed so simple the skills but so effective. We were able to practise the skills with others in the programme. Working with others in the programme was enlightening and positive sharing our own experiences. We completed a RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts) led day which was so insightful and amazing. We learnt how to present ourselves in our body language, our speech and how you say things. It was a great day as well and it was very laid back and we had a good laugh. Really got a lot from the RADA and would recommend this to anyone who wants to develop their confidence. This programme has also changed my personal life. I have more confidence in my daily life and am able to get my point across much clearer and talk with people more effectively.

The programme has pushed me to want to do more with my career and make the team I work in a better place. I am now working with a psychologist in leading a research project. I am doing my own project in the team to help carers be more involved in services. I have also been going on job interviews for band 7 which was a very positive experience. I feel I would not have done the things I have achieved in a short space of time if it was not for the programme. The facilitators of the programme were all knowledgeable, approachable and supportive throughout. They made the sessions feel comfortable and there was no pressure.  The programme has made me more ambitious and eager to push myself to do different things to challenge me personally and professionally. I would recommend the programme to inspiring leaders who feel they need to boost their skills and confidence.

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