Invitation to Tender: Florence Nightingale Foundation Leadership Development Content Design and Delivery


The Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) has a growing reputation for providing an excellent standard of leadership development for nurses and midwives. It is renowned for the transformational nature of the learning which enables the individual to develop their confidence, recognise their sphere of influence and step into their authority. The breadth and scope of the commissioned leadership development programmes and the demand for our flagship scholarship programmes is increasing. To meet this demand and ensure FNF maintains its high standards the Foundation is looking to partner with a provider that would be in the position to fulfil the brief outlined below. The contract would be for 3 consecutive years subject to satisfactory evaluations undertaken by FNF and a positive working relationship.

  • Scholarships

    Florence Nightingale Foundation Scholarships are commissioned leadership development opportunities which are 1 year in duration. They are open to three levels of personnel and delivered in the following cohorts:

    • Emerging Leaders working at NHS Agenda for Change (or equivalent) band 7 – 8b
    • Aspiring Directors working at Agenda for Change (or equivalent) band 8c – 8d
    • Senior Leaders working at Agenda for Change (or equivalent) band 9 – Very Senior Managers (VSM)

    More information can be found here

    There are approximately 75 scholars per year who are recruited via a competitive selection process. Recruitment starts in September and the programme begins on the 1st April. The successful provider would contribute the following elements to their core development programme:

    • 1:1 feedback session to each scholar underpinned by evidence based psychometric assessment or 360 feedback at the beginning of the scholarship year. The cost of the chosen tool would not be incorporated into this contract.
      • 2 hours per person = 150 hours delivery
    • Provision of a 2-day virtual programme focused on the development needs and themes identified in the 1:1 sessions. This will be delivered on 3-4 occasions and tailored to the cohorts leadership level. Groups will be no larger than 25 people.
      • Emerging Leaders 2 days per programme x 2 = 4 days delivery
      • Aspiring Directors 2 days per programme x 1 = 2 days delivery
      • Senior Leaders 2 days per programme x 1 = 2 days delivery
      • Total is 8 days delivery and 3 days planning
  • Leadership Programmes

    Leadership programmes are commissioned by a range of organisations and target different groups of nurses and midwives such as those from ethnic minorities, in their early career or working in a specific speciality. Programmes are typically undertaken over 6 months although shortened 3-day programmes are increasingly being requested. The successful provider would contribute the following elements to a minimum of 6 leadership programmes per year. They would also be the FNF’s preferred provider for any additional programme commissions it receives:

    • 6 x 2 day virtual or face to face programme with a focus on “Stepping into Your Authority” and tailored to the development needs of the specific group
    • 6 x 1 day equivalent of the above
    • 3 x 1 day virtual or face to face programme which focuses on next steps for personal and professional development
    • Total is 21 days delivery and 3 days planning


The provider would be expected to meet once per month with the Director/ Deputy of FNF Academy to review activity and ensure continuous collaboration. The administration of the aspects delivered by the provider would be managed by provider with support from the FNF Academy team to disseminate information to programme participants. The ability to provide information in a timely manner would be a key indication of quality. All learning materials will be shared with FNF prior to delivery and should include the FNF logo.

Contract Value

The value of the contract described is £150,000 (inc VAT) annually. A rate for any additional delivery above the contract value will be negotiated with the individual provider.

Tendering Process

To tender for this contract, you are asked to complete the online form which requires the information shown below. This will be assessed by the CEO, Director of Academy, and a Trustee. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview on 3rd August 2021.

The Deadline for the submission of this tender application is 20th July @ 1700hrs. Applications after deadline will not be accepted.

For all enquires please email [email protected]


Company Name
Company Address
Company’s Representative Name and Title
Contact Telephone Number
Email Address
Address for Correspondence
Date of Submission
Company Registration Number
VAT Registration Number
Has your organisation met all its obligations to pay its creditors and staff during the past year?
If your answer to the above is No, have you rectified the situation resulting in your organisation now being able to pay its creditors and staff?
Is your company or any group company (your Organisation) or are any of the directors/partners/proprietors in a state of bankruptcy, insolvency, compulsory winding up, and receivership, composition with creditors or subject to relevant proceedings?
Does your organisation have a written health and safety at work policy? If Yes, please provide a copy.
Has your organisation or any of its Directors or Executive Officers been in receipt of enforcement/remedial orders in relation to the Health and Safety Executive (or equivalent body) in the last 3 years?
Does your organisation have a written Equal Opportunities policy? If Yes, please provide a copy.
In the last three years, has any finding of unlawful discrimination been made against your organisation by an Employment Tribunal, an Employment Appeal Tribunal or any other court (or in comparable proceedings in any jurisdiction other than the UK)?
In the last three years, has your organisation had a complaint upheld following an investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission or its predecessors (or a comparable body in any jurisdiction other than the UK), on ground or alleged unlawful discrimination.
Has your organisation been convicted of breaching environmental legislation, or had any notice served upon it, in the last three years by any environmental regulator or Authority (including local Authority)?
Does your organisation have a recognised environmental management system ISO14001 or equivalent? If Yes please provide valid copy of the certificate.
Does your organisation hold a recognised quality management certification for example BS/EN/ISO9000 or equivalent? If your answer is yes please provide a valid copy of the certification.
Will you be using a Sub-Contractor(s) at any point during this project? If so, please give full company details and state that you are willing to take responsibility for work performed by the sub-contractor(s).
Please confirm that data is stored in line with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 where applicable.
Please confirm level of professional indemnity insurance and provide evidence that this is current.


Question %
1 Describe your experience of providing leadership development to nurses and midwives. Please include experience of using psychometric tests and offering 360d degree feedback. 30%
2 Describe relevant learning and leadership theory that underpins your philosophy of leadership development. 20%
3 What teaching and learning methods would you use to facilitate learning? 10%
4 How would you adapt your approach and content to meet the development needs of the varied levels and cohorts of learners? 20%
5 Please provide a cost breakdown to undertake the work. 20%


If you would like to download a copy of this tender please click here.

Online Tender Application Form