Mary Spinks – Vice President and former Director of the Florence Nightingale Foundation has released her memoirs. 

When she left Ireland in 1958 to train as a nurse in London, little did Mary Spinks (formerly Donn) know that this would be the beginning of an expansive and rewarding career which would cover all aspects of nursing and health care.

On qualifying she spent 15 years in theatre nursing at a time of great change, which she influenced through a scholarship to the USA. She became Chairman of the National Association of Theatre Nurses (NATN) and gave many presentations at overseas conferences as well as being involved in inquiries into medical accidents.

She continued her career in Nurse management progressing through the ranks until becoming Regional Nursing Officer for North East Thames. She witnessed many reorganisations of the healthservices and their effect on the Nursing profession. Mary was Director of the Florence Nightingale Foundation raising substantial funds to pursue her passion to promote and increase the number of scholarships for research, travel and leadership, thus developing many nurses’ careers.

This book gives a personal view of a life as a nurse, that spanned more than 50 years. It captures the spirit of nursing during this time, outlining the highs and lows of working in health care, and the effort that one dedicated nurse put in to try and improve the care of patients.

Mary concluded her career in nursing by being appointed CBE by Her Majesty the Queen in November 2010.

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