Director of FNF Academy, Dr Gemma Stacey, has published a free online course for novice writers who are experiencing barriers during the writing for publication process. Once completed, remember to fill in the evaluation to receive your certificate.

The Florence Nightingale Foundation is highly supportive or nurses and midwives disseminating their knowledge and experience and we know this is how they gain recognition as experts in their field and have influence beyond their local environment.

Dr Gemma Stacey explains why she was compelled to create this course. “As a nurse and an academic, I have written widely and I have also had the pleasure of editing and reviewing for journals. However, writing doesn’t come easy for me either and I have experienced all of the challenges we discuss in this online course. I hope that you find the information helpful, motivating and encouraging to you as budding authors with important messages that we need a wider audience to hear”.

Demystifying Writing For Publication can be found here. 

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