Date: 11-15 April 2016 

Venue: Herstmonceux Castle, Wartling Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 1RN

Cost: £1,100 all inclusive

PD School Brochure April 2016

PD School Registration Form April 2016

These foundation practice development schools will help health and social care practitioners explore the foundational and key aspects of practice development including the concept of practice development, the process of initiating and sustaining practice development strategies within the workplace and organisation, its evaluation and the role of workplace culture and facilitation.

FoNS Practice Development Facilitator Theresa Shaw said in a recent blog ‘I have been involved in the delivery of the schools almost since they started and feel strongly that they provide a significant development opportunity for practitioners (nurses and AHP’s) in health and social care to develop their skills and confidence as facilitative leaders of culture change with a focus on enabling person-centredness and safe, effective workplaces and services. I believe they offer a very different experience to other leadership development opportunities because of the greater emphasis on developing skills in working with others rather than managing, telling and doing to.’

The week begins with participants and facilitators working together to create a person-centered learning environment to support the journey over the five days. Person-centredness remains a strong theme as participants start to explore the principles of practice development and underpinning theoretical perspectives.
Day 2 focuses on evaluating effectiveness, emphasizing the value of evaluation in practice as an opportunity for learning, not just measuring and reporting. The role of an effective workplace culture is the focus of day 3, with activities helping participants reflect on their own workplace cultures and the opportunities there may be for strengthening them.
On day 4, participants have the chance to examine and reflect on their skills in facilitation, along with considering how facilitative leadership can better enable engagement with others and the development of supportive relationships.
Finally, day 5 brings the chance to reflect on and share learning as well as time for action planning to translate this all back to practice.

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