The Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) in partnership with Health Education England South East (HEE SE), is launching system-level student leadership opportunities for student nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and trainee nursing associates who undertake clinical placements in the South East of England.

Health Education England South East is establishing six multi-professional Student Councils, one per Integrated Care System (ICS) across the South East region of England. With 12 seats available for each ICS Student Council, resulting in 72 new and unique leadership opportunities for students to influence senior healthcare leaders.

Students feeling connected to their learning experience is crucial to maintaining the pipeline for the future workforce. With the increasing focus on education and training, the importance of ensuring a student voice within the system to consider the quality and impact of education and training decisions needs to be recognised and supported.

Students will hold Student Council Member positions for up to 12 months and work with University and Practice Providers in their ICS to set the direction of the Council with clear objectives. In addition, the students will be fully supported by the Workforce Transformation Team at HEE SE alongside FNF with a full induction programme, reverse mentoring, and a three-day bespoke leadership programme.

Acknowledging the realities of life as a student healthcare professional and further to discussions with the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Health and Care Professions Council, Student Council Members are able to be remunerated on a monthly basis or receive clinical placement hours (with prior support from their University).

Jess Sainsbury, Student Councils Project Lead at the Florence Nightingale Foundation said: “I am delighted to be able to support the future generation of healthcare professionals gain vital influencing, communication and leadership skills through the HEE SE Student Councils Programme. We have proven the impact that students can have on health and social care with the pilot project in Hampshire and Isle of Wight with the Student Nurse Council, and now is the time to upscale this encouraging further collaborative and interprofessional working from the start of their careers.”

The autumn recruitment round is open until 1st October 2021, with a further recruitment period due to take place in Spring 2022. Student Council Members across the South East region will be invited to an induction day on 20th October 2021, with their first ICS Student Council meeting taking place in November 2021.

More details about the Student Councils Programme including the role descriptor and application form can be found here:

For more information please contact:

Jess Sainsbury, Research and Policy Assistant, Florence Nightingale Foundation

Mobile: 07969634272 / Email: [email protected]  

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