ROLE MODELS and charities were honoured nationwide at Friday’s ceremony at the breath-taking Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, rewarding Britain’s most inspirational people for their fight against inequality. Community heroes from across the UK gathered in the bustling city of Liverpool to celebrate the outstanding achievements of those who have demonstrated exceptional devotion to diversity, equality and inclusion.

Neomi Bennett beat seven others in the running for the entrepreneur of excellence award. Neomi is a registered Nurse and in her own time has created a life saving product called Neo-slip, which has developed into a highly successful business. Multi Award Winning Neo-slip is a novel, innovative yet practical solution that aids application of hospital stockings.

The company now supplies 34 hospitals across the UK, approved by NHS supply chain and available on NHS prescription (FP10). In addition, Neo-slip is available in independent pharmacies. Neomi recently won a scholarship from the Florence Nightingale foundation and has carried outclinical audits in hospitals.

A record 20,000 nominations and votes were received this year, paying tribute to grass-root communities nationwide. Microsoft were just one of the brands supporting a skyfall of diversity talent– positive role models, community organisations and entrepreneurs from a variety of communities.

Neomi was awarded funding from the Foundation in 2015 and has presented at the Conference that happens annually in 2016.

Click here for a link to the Awards video.


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