University Hospital’s Birmingham (UHB) NHS Foundation Trust’s School of Nursing, AHPs and Midwifery has received prestigious endorsement from the Florence Nightingale Foundation Academy for the Pathway to Excellence leadership programme, making the Trust the first of the Foundation’s members to receive such an accolade.

The Pathway to Excellence is a bespoke, co-produced development programme that was created with and for our band 8A nursing, midwifery and AHP staff to help them grow, develop and strengthen their leadership capabilities.

Over six months, staff on the programme benefit from coaching, solution focused activities and peer support which helps to provide a leadership development experience that is specific to their individual development needs.

Occupational psychologist and Programme Director, Rebekah Giffney, said: “The Pathway to Excellence Leadership Programme has been specifically designed to meet the needs and aspirations of its band 8A leaders. Our approach to leadership is to increase self-awareness and understanding of impact, helping to build increased confidence, resulting in individuals thinking differently and implementing change in sustainable ways.”

Endorsement and co-branding of internal leadership programmes is an exclusive benefit available to Florence Nightingale Foundation Academy Members. Members are asked to submit a programme specification which is reviewed by a member of the FNF Leadership Development team who has a background in clinical education, along with a member of the FNF Academy Advisory Group. Programmes that are endorsed must aim to promote clinical excellence, collective and compassionate leadership and demonstrate an ongoing commitment to professional development. UHB’s endorsement required the Pathway to Excellence leadership programme to meet a rigorous set of 16 different criteria which demonstrate that the learning is personalised, responsive and effective in delivering its outcomes.

Professor Gemma Stacey, Director of the Florence Nightingale Foundation Academy, said: “The Florence Nightingale Foundation Academy is thrilled to endorse this highly innovative and contemporary leadership programme.

“University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust is the first of our members to receive this accolade which demonstrates their commitment to developing the influence, authority and confidence of their nurses, therapists and midwives. We look forward to supporting the wider implementation and spread of their education strategy which puts courageous leadership at the heart.”

Dr Ruth Pearce, Head of School at UHB, said “We are thrilled to receive this endorsement from the Florence Nightingale Foundation Academy as it has a strong national reputation for excellence in leadership development. Endorsement adds to the value of this excellent programme which supports and challenges our excellent senior nurses, midwives and AHPs to become the leaders of our future. ”

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