CEO Greta Westwood and FNF Trustee Simon Reiter have taken on the challenge of running the London Marathon in October to raise valuable and much needed funds for The Foundation.

Greta had originally signed up to run in 2020, but due to COVID-19 the race was cancelled. Impressively Greta ran the 26.2 miles up and down her village street in Hampshire, 38 times! Greta’s efforts didn’t go unnoticed though, raising over £5,000 for FNF, this year Greta is pledging the same, so your support is needed to help reach her goal.

Greta said “I am the proud CEO of The Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) and I am running once again to raise funds for this amazing nursing and midwifery charity. Nevermore than now has the world seen the value, dedication and commitment of nurses and midwives during this global COVID-19 pandemic. It certainly is going to be tough, 26.2 miles is a long way, but for such a worthy cause every moment will be worth it. I will run every mile for every nurse and midwife who has given so much and for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to look after your loved ones.”

Simon Reiter, FNF Trustee will also be running with Greta, aiming to match the target of £5,000 too. This will be Simon’s first marathon and training is already off to a flying start with the Leamington Spa half marathon last weekend.

Simon said “Having worked in health and social care for 20 years I have come to appreciate the crucial role that nurse leaders play in safe and successful organisations. The Foundation provides fantastic opportunities for Nurses and Midwives to access tailored leadership development programmes enabling them to have a greater impact in their roles and organisations. Therefore, running the London marathon gives me the opportunity to raise funds to support new scholars, promote the Foundation more widely and in a small way contribute to the pool of talent in the UK health and care system.”

They both have the whole team at Florence Nightingale Foundation behind them and we will certainly be cheering them on from the side lines.

We also need your support, to help with sponsoring them to reach their target and give that extra push to keep going on the day.

£11,500 could fund a leadership scholar

£3,000 could fund a travel scholar

£1,000 could fund 10 Nightingale Frontline places


The question is, are you #TeamGreta, or #TeamSimon? Show your support today by clicking on their name below to donate to their Virgin Money Giving page.

Professor Greta Westwood CBE PhD MSc RN

Simon Reiter




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