The perceptions of Directors of Nursing in NHS Acute Trusts, on caring practices. A grounded theory approach.
In recent years, there have been a significant number of high profile exposés of undignified care, neglect and poor practice, which have been a catalyst for a searching debate into standards of care, practice and the nursing profession. Directors of Nursing have a significant role to play in providing assurance of standards of care at Board level (The Kings Fund 2009b). The role of the Director of Nursing in assuring quality and safety has been recognised as important and it is also vital that these key issues are seen as important for all members of the Board (The Burdett Trust 2006). However, little is known about the perspectives of Directors of Nursing in Acute NHS Trusts, on caring practices.
The overall aim of the research is to develop a theory to explain the perceptions of Directors of Nursing in NHS Acute Trusts, on caring practices. In addition, to explore the social, political, professional and organisational challenges facing Directors of Nursing pertaining to managing and responding to these challenges.
Sample and methods:
A sample size of 10-15 Directors of Nursing will be recruited from NHS Acute Trusts. Once formal consent has been gained the sample will have a one-off interview by the researcher at a site of convenience for the participants.
The research objectives are:
1.To describe and explore the perceptions of Directors of Nursing within NHS Acute Trusts, focusing on their interpretations and perceptions of caring practices
2.To gain an understanding of the Directors of Nursing perceptions of the values that underpin caring practices;
3.To explore potential conflicts in the values, roles and behaviours that may exist for Directors of Nursing in developing caring practices;
4.To elicit the political, organisational and micro impact on Directors of Nursing in response to care practices and
5.To consider the possible factors which influence improving and promoting caring practices.
It is anticipated that this research will develop a theory to explain the perspectives of Directors of Nursing in Acute NHS Trusts in response to the current challenges of sustaining caring practices. The study will explore the potential impact of national drivers to improve standards of care, and the role of the Directors of Nursing in supporting these directives.