Msc Advanced Practice.

Module  1 – Research approaches and design. What are the needs of young people with cancer.

This  work addresses the needs of young people with cancer and attempts to bridge the gap between the literature relating to young people with cancer and nursing practice.

A literature review of the needs of young people with cancer identified 3 key themes suggesting that young adults with cancer have specific psycho-social, information and existential needs. This knowledge enables nurses to deliver appropriate age specific care that empower the young people to feel supported and in control. Recommendations following the literature review advocate the exploration of innovative approaches to addressing existential issues and developing resources to help them regain their identity and normality following treatment.

Module 2 – Advancing Assessment and Decision Making. Cancer relating fatigue in the young adult

The aim of this work was to critically appraise how clinical assessment, clinical reasoning and decision making are implemented in the management of a young adult with cancer related fatigue. A case study approach was used to examine the presentation and assessment of cancer related fatigue. The implications for practice are that nurses can enhance their practice by acquiring knowledge and skills in consultation, clinical reasoning to contribute to the earlier diagnosis of this complex symptom in young people with cancer.

Module 3 – Transforming care – the implementation of telephone triage on the oncology unit for young people.

The aim of this work was to implement the UKONS 24 hour chemotherapy toxicity rapid assessment and access toolkit to improve the service delivered to young people with cancer who contacted the oncology unit for advice. The service improvement project had led to the application of service improvement methodologies within the clinical setting and demonstrated the use of human and organisational dimensions of leadership to improve service delivery for this group of patients. Not only has this project improved the delivery of consistent evidence based advice to patients but it has shown how all nurses can utilise service improvement tools to make changes and improvement to the care they deliver.

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