Exploring Perinatal Well-being.
Objective: To undertake the second year of my master’s qualification in Clinical Research (Leadership).
Background: This programme of study aims to facilitate the development of my own research project and my own leadership capacity within the National Health Service (NHS). Upon completion, I intend to go onto complete the final year of my master’s level training which would involve applying this through undertaking my own clinical research project.
Method: To accomplish this, I needed to complete three assessed modules. These modules were titled; 1) Designing a Research Proposal, 2) Developing yourself as a leader, 3) Strategic Leadership within the NHS. Completing Module one involved undertaking all the necessary paperwork and permissions required to undertake my proposed research project. Modules two and three both involved writing multiple essays focusing upon leadership theory, reflection on my own leadership behaviour, and exploration of how the role and nature of the NHS shapes the performance of its leaders, and how leadership theory can be used to explain this behaviour.
Results: From completing module one I have developed a more comprehensive understanding of local and national regulations, processes for obtaining permissions and approvals, legislation and other factors which impact upon setting up a research study within the NHS. This module has made me think of all the factors that need to be taken into account when planning and conducting my own research project. The work I produced for module 1 was; a grant application (awarded 77%), a patient information sheet (awarded 89%), a consent form (awarded 96%), all appropriate R & D approval forms (awarded 95%) and IRAS form (awarded 84%). My final assignment within this module was to present and defend my research project to a panel of assessors (awarded 82%).
The second module I undertook was titled ‘Developing your-self as a leader’. In order to complete this module I attended several interactive teaching sessions at university where I learned about the theory behind effective leadership, and had the opportunity to self-reflect and analysis how such theory fits in with my current role and midwifery research team. In order to facilitate this self-reflective process further, I undertook many psychometric assessments that have helped me to identify and analyse my personality traits. The assessments that I found particularly useful were Myers-Briggs and the WAVES assessment. From these I have identified many strong leadership traits within myself as well as areas in which I need to work on in order to better develop my leadership skills. I wrote two essays for this module which involved reflecting upon what I learned about myself as a leader and I was awarded 100% and 84% for these essays.
The third module involved exploring leadership within the wider context of the NHS. This module interlinked the different aspects of leadership and examined how leading one team can make a difference to the overall success of the NHS in terms of driving the organisation forward, aiming to meet the overall vision. In completing the assignment for this module, I explored and wrote about leadership within my local trust as well as the NHS as a whole and I reflected upon leadership within my current team. To develop this analysis and reflection further, I then reflected on a critical incident which occurred within my own team. I critically assessed the leadership approach the team lead used as well as assessing how I could have better used my own leadership capacity to better manage the situation. From doing this I learned a lot about myself, leadership as a whole and the impact poor leadership can have upon the overall direction of a department and organisation. I was awarded 78% for this assignment.
Outcome: I have passed all three modules and have been awarded a distinction at diploma level for the work I have produced. In doing this, I have obtained NHS permissions and approvals to undertake my own research project which I intend to do in the third year of my masters. This project will explore the concept of perinatal well-being in postnatal mothers. In addition, I have learned a lot about leadership theory, my own leadership capacity and how I can use this to better support and influence colleagues in driving behaviour towards the organisations overall objectives. I will apply this within my current role within the NHS.