Abstract year: 2014

Research Scholarship: Lisa Wilks

Msc Advanced Practice. Module  1 – Research approaches and design. What are the needs of young people with cancer. This  work addresses the needs of...

Research Scholarship: Majella Doran

Brainstem Death Testing: A Family Affair? Brainstem death (BSD) is a difficult concept to grasp presenting families with a paradoxical death in which the...

Research Scholarship: Katherine Selfe

Are low risk women receiving enough information from their midwives to enable them to make an informed choice regarding the third stage of labour?...

Research Scholarship: Ellie Jenkins

An ethnographic exploration of labour ward midwives’ accessing and using of information for practice. Aims: This study is an ethnographic exploration of how midwives access...

Research Scholarship: Louise Soanes

How do young adults (19-24 years) living with cancer experience supportive care? Background When do you become an adult? Unlike adolescence, whose arrival is...

Research Scholarship: Becky Bonfield

What are the perceived factors that influence accurate fluid balance chart completion in acutely unwell medical inpatients? It has been long recognised that the...