Abstract year: 2014

Research Scholarship: Laura Judith Hughes

The Neurosurgical Spinal Patients Journey: What were the patient expectations and experiences of a neurosurgical spinal service? Aims: This qualitative study set out to...

Travel Scholarship: Claire Blackwood

A review of Canadian and Danish accreditation methodologies, to inform hospital inspections within Healthcare Improvement Scotland and support improved patient outcomes. The overall aim...

Research Scholarship: Jason Mellows

Does final year student teaching on a patient simulator improve first year nurses’ confidence and abilities? CPS can be likened to the use of...

Research Scholarship: Janet James

The Christchurch Obesity Prevention Programme in Schools (CHOPPS). The prevention of childhood obesity has become a national priority and previous school-based obesity prevention interventions...

Travel Scholarship: Karen Marshall

Proton Therapy -The Bigger Picture. Since 2008 the NHS have funded treatment for specific tumours to be treated in the USA with Proton therapy....