Abstract year: 2014

Research Scholarship: Lorainne Lawton

Is Lactate an effective clinical marker of outcome for children with major trauma? This report focuses on the work undertaken during the first year...

Research Scholarship: Mark Jones

DEVELOPING A GOLD STANDARD EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHOSIS SERVICE WITH CARDIFF AND VALE UHB. My motivation for undertaking this Florence Nightingale Scholarship was due...

Leadership Scholarship: Dr Debbie Carrick-Sen

Increasing Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Research Activity. Increasing Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professional Research Activity to Improve Patient Care and Outcome I would...

Research Scholarship: Patricia Cawthorne

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for psychosis and personality disorder in a high-secure forensic setting. An evaluation of the impact of an integrated treatment programme...

Research Scholarship: Francis Fernando

A comparison of the Most Successful Fracture Liaison Services in the UK: Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. Osteoporosis is the...

Travel Scholarship: Olivia Samuel

How can informatics be utilised by nurses to improve patient safety and experience? In January 2013 Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health, presented...